Houstonian Yearbook Collection

78 Items
Last Updated: 2021-03-04

Several decades’ worth of Cougar Pride is in evidence in this comprehensive digital collection. Spanning the history of the University of Houston, the collection includes all Houstonian yearbooks beginning in 1934.

Viewers can find individual photos of students and faculty from years gone by, as well as photographs and information highlighting sports teams, student groups, fraternities and sororities, campus events, classroom activities, musical performances, university growth, and memorable moments in school history. The collection also provides a rich portrait of changes in fashion and graphic design through the decades, from the apparent formality of the 1930s to mid-century mod to the more relaxed styles of the 1970s, up through current times.

The Houstonian was first published in 1934 and continued to be published by the University of Houston student yearbook staff until 2011.

The original materials are available in UH Libraries' Special Collections.

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